Case Study

AllAgribusinessAnimal HealthBiotechnologyBusiness AdvisoryCorporate Finance and Investment BankingDevices and DiagnosticsDigitalFood and RetailHealthcareInnovation AdvisoryInternational DevelopmentPharmaceuticalsPolicy & Regulations

Project Scope & Situational Analysis: 

Sathguru Catalysers assessed a leading seed company’s climate-resilient solutions for the major field crops. The project aimed to understand the environmental, economic, and social impacts on farms and farmers by 2030, aligning with UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). The comprehensive assessment encompasses the evaluation of potential reductions in water use to promote environmental sustainability while also considering strategies for increasing crop yield and enhancing crop resilience. The socio-economic impact assessment explored the impact on livelihoods by increasing their farm income. This included improved income security, knowledge transfer of sustainable practices, and ability to adapt to changing climates. 


The project supported the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund’s focus on sustainable agriculture, paving the way for potential investment and attracting capital to support climate-resilient seeds for more sustainable agricultural practices. The key findings demonstrated reduced environmental footprint, increased food security and resilience, particularly for low-income farmers, empowered and food-secure communities with improved access to nutritious food and knowledge of sustainable practices. The key findings of the assessment were: 

  • Reduced water usage: The assessment projected significant water savings through the use of climate-resilient seeds, contributing to sustainable development goals for clean water and climate action. 
  • Increased crop yield and resilience: Improved crop yields and resilience to climate variability are expected, leading to increased income by 25 – 35% and food security for farmers by 2030, aligning with sustainable development goals for no poverty and zero hunger. 
  • Empowered and food-secure communities: The project identified potential for improved livelihoods for farmers due to increased income security. In addition, knowledge transfer of sustainable practices can empower communities and enhance long-term food security (SDGs – no poverty and zero hunger). 

This impact assessment demonstrates the seed company’s significant contributions to achieving multiple sustainable development goals (SDGs). By promoting sustainable agriculture practices, climate-resilient seeds offer a powerful solution for environmental conservation, economic growth, and social progress, particularly for low-income farmers. The findings strongly support the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund’s focus on sustainable agriculture and position the seed company as a worthy investment candidate for fostering a more resilient and food-secure future. Investing in these innovative solutions holds the potential to create a positive ripple effect throughout the agricultural sector, promoting environmental, economic, and social well-being.

Project scope & situational analysis: 

Sathguru Catalysers, investment manager of the Innovation in Food & Agriculture Fund (IFA), conducted a comprehensive assessment of a leading ag-biotech company’s product portfolio. The analysis evaluated the potential environmental, economic, and social impacts on farms and farmers by 2030, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

 We employed a multi-pronged approach to assess the impact of the sustainable innovation of an ag-biological enterprise. The downstream scope 3 value chain was evaluated to quantify the impact at the farmer level. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to assess the company’s water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions during product development, marketing, and product use to understand its environmental footprint. Farm-level economic models were developed to assess the projected impact on farmer profitability. Social impact assessments explored factors like improved livelihoods, access to training, and reduced exposure to harmful chemicals.  


The project quantified the potential environmental benefits of the Ag-Biotech enterprise’s products, demonstrating a projected reduction in environmental footprint. Economic modelling indicated potential profitability improvements for farmers adopting the company’s products, leading to increased income and potentially improved livelihoods and food security. Social impact assessments showed positive perceptions from farmers, with potential benefits from avoided exposure to agrochemicals. The key findings of the assessment were: 

  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: The Life Cycle Assessment results demonstrated the company’s products have the potential to significantly reduce water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 30 – 50% throughout their lifecycle. This aligns with the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund’s focus on fostering sustainable agricultural practices and contributes to achieving SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13: Climate Action.  
  • Improved Farmer Profits: Farm-level economic models projected potential improvements in profitability for farmers adopting the company’s products. The practice can increase farmers’ income by 15 – 20%. Increased income for farmers translates to improved livelihoods and food security for farm families, contributing to achieving SDG 1: No Poverty, and SDG 2: Zero Hunger 
  • Enhanced Social Impact: Social impact assessments revealed positive perceptions from farmers regarding the company’s products. Potential benefits included reduced exposure to harmful chemicals associated with traditional agricultural practices by 57 percent. This contributes to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and empowers farmers by fostering safer working environments.  

The findings helped assess the company’s alignment with the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund’s focus on sustainable development goals (SDGs) and determine whether it is a suitable investment for the fund’s portfolio.  By quantitatively measuring the environmental benefits, economic gains for farmers, and positive social impacts, this assessment provides strong evidence for the Ag-Biotech company’s role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices. These findings support the company’s suitability for investment by the IFA, potentially paving the way for further development and adoption of their innovative solutions for a more sustainable food system.

Project scope & situational analysis:  

Sathguru Catalysers conducted a comprehensive assessment of a leading climate-smart deep tech company. This assessment evaluated the potential environmental, economic, and social impacts of the company’s core technology stack, utilizing ice core technology, on farms and farmers by 2030. 

The project team employed a multi-pronged approach to assess the impact of sustainable innovations of the company. This project assessed the environmental footprint of the company’s solutions throughout their lifecycle, focusing on water usage, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and potential reductions compared to traditional methods. Farm-level economic models were developed to forecast the potential impact on farmer profitability. The critical factors for assessment included improved irrigation efficiency, reduced energy dependence, and yield increases. The social impact assessments were conducted to understand the impact on farmer livelihoods, access to technology, and potential improvements in working conditions, including reduced exposure to harmful chemicals associated with traditional cold storage solutions.  


The project focused on a data-driven approach to the deep tech company’s potential to contribute to a sustainable and equitable future for food production. The findings helped the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund (IFA) determine the company’s alignment with the fund’s mission and paved the way for potential investment, ultimately attracting further capital. The key findings of the assessment were: 

  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: The assessment quantified significant potential reductions in water usage and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by 49 lakh tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, contributing to SDG goals for clean water and climate action. 
  • Enhanced Farm Profitability: Farm-level economic models indicated potential increases in farmer’s average monthly income by 15 – 20% due to improved resource management and reduced energy costs, which align with the SDGs for decent work and economic growth. 
  • Empowered Farmers: Social impact assessments highlighted the potential for improved access to technology for farmers, enhanced knowledge of sustainable practices, and potentially safer working environments, contributing to the SDG for responsible consumption and production.  

This assessment presents a compelling case for the transformative potential of deep tech in agriculture. Beyond the quantified environmental and economic benefits, widespread adoption of these solutions could empower a generation of farmers and reshape food production systems towards greater sustainability and social responsibility.

Sathguru, as an implementing partner in the BMGF and DFID funded international development project, focused on harnessing advances in genomics to combat rust threats in wheat across SAARC nations. A critical component of the project was to develop a surveillance toolbox to monitor the movement of the dreaded wheat rust disease in SAARC countries and build local capacity to use it.


 The project faced the challenge of mitigating rust threats by leveraging genomic advancements, replacing susceptible wheat varieties with resistant ones, and introducing non-host resistance to create immunity. This challenge was compounded by the lack of effective disease surveillance and data management specific to wheat rust disease.


Sathguru executed the project with a comprehensive strategy:

  • Surveillance and Monitoring: Provided surveillance to track stem rust populations, monitoring rust incidence and populations, and ensuring data availability.
  • Development of Surveillance Toolbox: Developed a SAARC-specific web-based Toolbox application for uploading wheat rust surveillance data. This tool facilitated the seamless integration of national data into global rust trackers.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Conducted extensive training programs for over 200 researchers and agricultural professionals across SAARC nations on the use of the Surveillance Toolbox and data management techniques. These activities enhanced the capacity of national wheat research institutes to track and manage rust threats effectively.
  • Data Access and Sharing: Facilitated access to global data through a robust sharing mechanism, along with effective project management, communication, coordination, and capacity building.
  • Coordination Hub: Established a single coordination hub for planning, implementation, and oversight of all developmental activities.
  • Synergy: Synergized efforts with other agencies from SAARC nations to combat stem rust effectively.


Impact/Result/Client Benefit

Sathguru’s execution of the project led to significant advancements in rust surveillance and data management across SAARC nations:

  • Developed a SAARC-specific Android application integrated to web-based Tool Box application for uploading wheat rust data surveillance and monitoring.
  • Provided hand-holding support to SAARC national scientists for uploading surveillance data to both national and Global Rust Tracker
  • Strengthened the capacity of national wheat research institutes, enhancing their ability to track and manage rust threats effectively.
  • Fostered collaboration and data sharing among SAARC nations, contributing to more effective and coordinated rust management efforts.

This project has substantially improved the ability of SAARC nations to monitor and combat wheat rust, ensuring more resilient wheat crops and contributing to food security in the region.

The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) is a digital, offline database developed by Mann Library at Cornell University that offers access to over 350 full-text journals and 500,000+ articles in agriculture and allied sciences. From 2014 to 2016, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation engaged Sathguru to install TEEAL in Bangladeshi research institutes to enhance agricultural research and productivity.


 Academic and research institutes in developing countries often struggle with limited access to current agricultural research materials and the expertise needed to utilize e-resources effectively. This gap poses a significant barrier to agricultural innovation and productivity, which are vital for achieving food security.


Sathguru executed the project by installing the hardware and software for TEEAL in 21 institutes across Bangladesh, providing offline access to the database for over 45,000 users. Collaborating with premier educational bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Sathguru facilitated the adoption of TEEAL by conducting extensive capacity-building programs, including orientation sessions and train-the-trainer workshops for researchers, academicians, faculty members, postgraduate students, and library staff. Additionally, Sathguru ensured the signing of MoUs with over 25 important peer-reviewed research journals and formalized user license agreements between Cornell and the participating institutes.

Impact/Result/Client Benefit

The TEEAL project significantly boosted agricultural research and innovation in Bangladesh by providing critical resources to access global research and innovation and developing the local capacity. This initiative has strengthened the research capabilities of numerous institutions, fostering a collaborative environment for agricultural advancement. The implementation of TEEAL helped –

  • Accelerate agricultural innovation in Bangladesh by providing access to crucial research materials,
  • Strengthen relationships with UGC and BARC, leading to widespread adoption and effective utilization of TEEAL,
  • Train over 800 personnel, enabling continuous capacity building and broader dissemination of TEEAL’s benefits,
  • Establish a robust two-tier support system for technical assistance, ensuring uninterrupted access to TEEAL and
  • Enhance research capabilities in major agricultural research institutes, contributing significantly to the goal of food security.


 A leading domestic agrochemical company engaged Sathguru to develop a Package of Practice (PoP) for key crops of the country and integrate it with an Android application on the tablet. The application was to be used as an online knowledge reference and dissemination tool for the field force as they engage their channel partners and farmers. The scope of PoP was techno-commercial, viz., developing customized content on Crop Agronomy, Crop Management, Crop Care, and product fitment with the company brands.


Sathguru’s team worked with the company’s management and field force to develop comprehensive content for PoP and build an Android application using its flagship ERP product, MAICE. The content for the respective crops was developed and gradually integrated with MAICE. The full package was rolled out for the company’s field force.

Impact/Result/Client Benefit

The customized ICT application has helped the client significantly enhance the field force’s efficiency, providing them with comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge on crop agronomy, management, care, and brand fitment. It has improved engagement with channel partners and farmers, leading to better adoption of best practices, improved crop yields, and increased reach for the company’s products. The company has become more technologically efficient, and a farmer-friendly brand, fostering stronger relationships and trust.·E-2024-06-10-15.19.17-A-digital-strategy-roadmap-for-a-leading-seed-company-showcasing-a-realistic-approach-to-achieving-RD-excellence.-The-image-featur-1280x640.webp

Our client, a leading seed company in India with a diversified product portfolio, engaged Sathguru to assess its data management systems across R&D programs and develop a strategy for digital transformation to enhance operational efficiency and support innovative product development.

Scope and Approach:

Sathguru conducted a deep-dive assessment of the client’s existing data management systems by assessing the ICT tools and technologies being used in R&D. Sathguru conducted meetings with key stakeholders in different divisions to understand their usage of the different applications, levels of use, security, data collection, storage, and data analysis to make informed business decisions. Sathguru’s approach included the following

  • The evaluation of the current data collection methods, storage solutions, and analysis tools,
  • Identifying gaps and risks in the data management system and
  • Providing strategic recommendations and a digital transformation strategy to enhance data integration and operational efficiency.

Sathguru critically examined the client’s data management practices, covering various aspects such as data administration, application in R&D and product development, data security, and the overall efficiency of data handling processes. This evaluation was aimed at identifying areas for improvement and formulating a strategic roadmap for the digital transformation of data management systems.


Based on the assessment, Sathguru made specific recommendations to improve the client’s data management systems:

  • Digitization of Data Collection: Implementing digital applications for field data collection to reduce manual errors and improve data accuracy.
  • Advanced Data Analytics and Visualization: Utilizing advanced big data analytics tools and integrating powerful visualization engines to mine useful data insights.
  • Cloud Computing and AI Integration: Migrating to cloud-based Management Information Systems (MIS) or scalable and secure data storage. Exploring state-of-the-art AI/ML-powered data platforms for predictive analytics and enhanced data processing capabilities.
  • Data Protection and Compliance: Achieving relevant cyber security certifications, conducting regular security audits, and establishing role-based user access controls to ensure robust data security and compliance with international standards.

Impact/Result/Client Benefit:

Sathguru’s strategic recommendations have provided the client with a clear roadmap for transforming its data management systems. The client is now in the process of implementing these recommendations, which are expected to:

  • Enhance operational efficiency by reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors.
  • Improve data integration across departments, facilitating better collaboration and decision-making.
  • Enable advanced data analytics and visualization, providing deeper insights for R&D and product development.
  • Ensure robust data protection and compliance, safeguarding the client’s data assets and maintaining regulatory standards.

Project Scope 

Our client is a leading provider of innovative seed solutions revolutionizing agriculture with cutting-edge technology and extensive research to redefine farming practices and elevate crop yields. The client engaged Sathguru to conduct an assessment of market opportunities for selected crops in 15 countries across South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa, including India. Sathguru conducted a comprehensive analysis of the seed industry, evaluating crop-wise (field, fiber and vegetable) market trends, demand, supply, opportunities, competitors, regulatory framework, ease of business, entry barriers, technology disruption, innovations in Ag-tech, and climate change impact. 

Situational Analysis 

Our client expressed interest in understanding the current market opportunities for selected crops in four regions. Sathguru conducted an in-depth analysis of the seed industry trends, crop-wise market analysis, opportunities, risks, growth trends, opportunities for gene editing, GMOs, climate change impact and the role of Ag-tech in the seed industry across the 15 target countries. 

Scope/ Approach: 

  • Performed an in-depth assessment of market growth and forecasted trends for the next seven years for each of the target crops, growth and demand drivers of the seed industry,  
  • A crop-specific seed sector assessment was carried out in terms of area, production, technologies, traits, segmentations, hybridization, government interests and strategies, as well as consumer preferences. 
  • Assessed regulatory framework and impact of climate change in the country’s cropping system for each target country. 
  • Conducted the market size estimation by value and volume (historical and project growth and trends), acreages, productivity, yield, hybridization and their share in the seed market for the target countries 
  • Sathguru assessed and identified the factors causing disruptions in the seed industry in target geographies, including technological advancements in gene editing, GMOs, the regulatory landscape, climate change, and innovations in Ag-tech. 


  • Sathguru provided recommendations for potential growth strategies and opportunities in terms of export-import and technologies integration opportunities in the seed industry dynamics for each country. 
  • Sathguru evaluated the anticipated economic impact on the crop-specific area, production, market size, volume growth and potential market share for the client 
  • Sathguru recommended prioritizing potential countries with strategic portfolios to enter, strategies to be adopted, and various collaboration and partnership models. 

 Impact/ Result/ Client benefit 

Sathguru helped the client understand seed industry dynamics in the 15 target countries for different crops of interest. This aided the client in understanding market trends, collaborations, partnerships, and strategic options for market entry in prioritized countries and potential timeline for entry into other countries.

Project Scope 

Our client is a leading provider of innovative seed solutions revolutionizing agriculture with cutting-edge technology and extensive research to redefine farming practices and elevate crop yields. The client sought Sathguru’s expertise to assess its research and development program and develop a strategic roadmap for growth aligned with and contributing to Vision 2030. 

Situational Analysis 

Our client expressed interest in exploring opportunities by conducting a thorough evaluation of its current research programs, product pipeline, and overall research systems and processes. This assessment was aimed at identifying areas for improvement, potential growth opportunities, investment requirements and strategies to enhance competitiveness and market presence.  

Scope/ Approach: 

  • Sathguru reviewed the company’s current research programs for different crops of interest. Sathguru conducted a commercial potential assessment of current and pipeline products and identified avenues for immediate commercial growth through strategic initiatives. 
  • Sathguru assessed research strength, germplasm pool and mapped traits and products under development in alignment with market preferences and organizational goals. Sathguru identified gaps in R&D programs and recommended strategies to bridge the gaps. 
  • Sathguru evaluated the time to market of pipeline products, benchmarked the pipeline with market requirements, understood the prevailing trends in terms of traits and technologies with comparable competitor products for key target crops and product segments, and mapped opportunities to understand growth potential and developed a strategic growth plan. 
  • Sathguru offered strategies to enhance short-term growth by utilizing existing assets and leveraging product pipelines. 
  • Sathguru developed a growth strategy for the client based on the life cycle and growth potential assessment of existing products, the strength of the pipeline, innovation sales, anticipated market returns, the competitive landscape and the changing dynamics of the industry. 


  • Sathguru suggested strategies for expanding the portfolio with market-relevant traits, focusing on the client’s current strengths, existing R&D infrastructure, and pipeline products based on market readiness. 
  • Sathguru devised a seven-year strategic growth map to enhance research systems and streamline operational processes for optimized performance and investment requirements for improving business process efficiency. 
  • Sathguru proposed a growth strategy aimed at fostering immediate expansion by strategically leveraging the existing portfolio and optimizing opportunities within the short-term pipeline. 

 Impact/ Result/ Client benefit 

The client commended Sathguru for the high-quality delivery and has started implementing the recommendations focusing on research program prioritization for portfolio expansion, strategizing pipeline and accelerating pipeline delivery by optimizing breeding goals, integrating technologies and upgrading systems. 

Our AddressCorporate Office

Sathguru Management Consultants Pvt Ltd
Plot 54, Sagar Society, Road No.2,Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500034

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