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Foster the growth of your current and emerging leaders by developing a custom program that will address the specific challenges you are facing in today’s marketplace

We at the Centre for Executive Education design and provide custom programs that benefit organizations directly by addressing their specific needs and business challenges. Many companies see an advantage in having a private program so that company-specific challenges and objectives can be precisely addressed. Through a parallel improvement in people and processes, using knowledge applications, exemplary design processes and world class faculty, we provide solutions and address various business challenges in your organization.

The world-renowned faculties have spent their professional lives predicting, formulating, and testing effective strategies for management. These seasoned professionals, who are also industry experts, know how to generate learning experiences that enable knowledge retention and enhance business performance.

To design unique custom programs for organizations, we collaborate closely with our clients to design and refine each curriculum through the following process:

  • Identify program objectives, By understanding our client’s goals, business challenges and specific requirements, we identify the core objective and topics of the custom program.
  • Delivery, The program is delivered by our world class faculty professors and/or consulting professionals relevant to our client’s business areas through a variety of teaching and learning methodologies.
  • Evaluation, We conduct post-program evaluation which allows us to assess the outcome and refine our program for future sessions.